Friday, February 28, 2014

The Seeking Daddy Project Day 28: The albatross.

I admit, sometimes my spirit rubs up against being a corporate shill the wrong way.

For the most part, I like my job.  I'm very blessed to have it.  My company fosters a wonderful working environment, my team is supportive and collaborative, and my intelligence and initiative are encouraged and rewarded.  I'm blessed.

But then, sometimes this English major's little soul gets lost in CRMs and ROI and the endless questions of "So how is your company going to make me money?" and I just want to pull out a Victorian novel and hide under my desk.

As I've whined previously, February was tough.  I'm on the sales side of the company, and it was a short month anyway, coupled with several days lost because of the blasted, incessant snow.  We were struggling to even come close to our goals at the end of this month.  I swear, if I find white hairs in my head this weekend, I'll be able to pinpoint exactly the moment, at almost 4pm this afternoon when we still weren't quite there, that they appeared.

All that said, this week, my long-suffering English major heart enjoyed a glimmer of hope when, as I was speaking with the CEO of a company I was trying to get interested in our service, he said something to the effect of " it becomes an albatross around their necks."

Coleridge! I thought.  He knows Coleridge!

It's not every day I hear a Romantic poet quoted in everyday business conversation, let me tell you.

And so, to hasten the end of this dreadful month and move happily forward into warmer weather, longer days, and better ability to just get people on the bloody phone and do our jobs, I shall leave you with a little snippet of the poem he was referencing:

Oh sleep! it is a gentle thing,
Beloved from pole to pole!To Mary Queen the praise be given!She sent the gentle sleep from Heaven,That slid into my soul. -"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

Goodnight, folks.  Happy March!

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