Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Seeking Daddy Project Day 16: Back where I began.

This afternoon, Tate and I went to see Les Miserables in downtown Raleigh, because he'd never seen it live before and my roommate is an assistant stage manager for the show.  Nothing says "Happy Valentine's Day!" quite like a tragic musical about the French revolution.

I love the show for the most part, mostly because of how introspective it is, especially about God.  I saw the movie three times in the theater (and I rarely go to the movies these days).  I was fully expecting to post part of Fantine's "I Dreamed a Dream" for my blog post today...and then I heard other lyrics that struck me even more.  The women sing this as they clean up in the aftermath of the massacre at the barricade (emphasis mine):

Nothing changes, nothing ever will 
Every year another brat, another mouth to fill. 
Same old story, what's the use of tears? 
What's the use of praying if there's nobody who hears? 
Turning, turning, turning, turning, turning 
Through the years. 

Turning, turning, turning through the years 
Minutes into hours and the hours into years. 
Nothing changes, nothing ever can 
Round and round the roundabout and back where you began.
Round and round and back where you began.

I couldn't have said it better.

Sometimes this merry-go-round I call belief feels like an exercise in futility - especially when I inevitably end up right back where I began.

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