Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Seeking Daddy Project Day 29: Puppy love.

It's one of my greatest sources of pride and joy that my Lottie has absolutely no fear or trepidation of any kind when it comes to humans.  In fact, she can't even conceive of the idea of someone not liking her or not wanting to pet her and cuddle with her.  It's never happened.  She has been surrounded by love her entire life.  Even with people who don't fawn all over her, she will still snuggle up next to on the couch contentedly, because to her, people are big warm buckets of love for her to draw from and enjoy and give her precious poodle affection to, obviously.

The other night, as we were curled up in bed together and she stretched out against me, sleeping, I watched her with my heart swelling.  The fact that my little dog has been well cared for and loved her whole life is something I can't help but feel pride over.

She's my little girl, my sunshine, and the light of my life.  She's curled up right next to me as I type this.  Why wouldn't I take the best care of her that I could?

I then thought about that idea regarding us and God.  Am I like that with God?

Do I fear God?  Sometimes, yes.

Sometimes I view God as a dictator, doing everything His way regardless if it hurts me.

Sometimes I view God as a judge, ready to sentence me for my shortcomings.

Sometimes I view God as a monarch, sitting on His throne watching His peasants starve.

I used to view God as Abba, Daddy, Father, a loving friend and confidante who was always on my side and against whom I could curl up and feel safe with, no matter what.

As I watched Lottie sleep, thinking about how much I love her and how grateful I am that she loves me, I wondered if God feels the same way about me.

Does God watch me sleep with His heart bursting with love and affection for His little girl?

If He does, I wish I could feel it.

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