Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Seeking Daddy Project Day 44: Buddy.

My good friend Kayla is visiting this week, and, as I do with all my friends, I suggested we go get a massage from my wonderful massage therapist.

After my massage, I took Michael's (yes, he's named after the archangel, I KNOW RIGHT) dog Buddy for a walk while Kayla got hers.  When we got back from our 45 minute hike several times around the block in the cold, drizzly "early spring" weather we're currently "enjoying" here, I settled on the chair in the waiting area with my book.  I glanced up after a minute or two, and this is what I saw:

You guessed it...Michael's behind the door.

Watching Buddy lying there got me thinking: he's faithfully guarding the door for his owner.  He's where he's meant to be.  He's where he wants to be. The center of his universe is behind that door, so right in front of it is his little corner of the world.

What if we were like that with God?

What would it look like if we guarded the door that God is behind?

It would look different for every one of us.  We have different callings, different ministries, different passions.  We have different abilities, different talents.  God has purposed us each to use what He's given us to further His kingdom.

What would it look like if I were as loyal to God as Buddy is loyal to Michael?

It certainly wouldn't look like my life as it is.

I want to be more like Buddy.  I want to be just as loyal, just as dedicated, just as adoring.  I don't want there to be any question to whom I give my devotion.

If God had a door, I'd be curled up in front of it.

What does that look like for you?

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